Welcome to the Succubus (tm) homepage. This is the online version of a sequential graphics story I wrote, lettered and penciled for a comic book called Mosaic which was printed by the now defunct independent company knows as Oktober Black. Only the first ten pages ever saw print, but the full story was written and penciled several years ago. The second set of ten pages was penciled by another artist named Colin Fijal, and unfortunately the inker never gave the pages back, so they have been lost. I will have to scan in the script for those as the visuals are missing. (UPDATE: I have found the only set of copies for the penciled pages of part 2 and scanned them in. I am currently putting some crappy comp-font on them, so they will be up shortly.) The third and fourth installments are penciled and uninked, but finally scanned in. I will also replace these first ten uninked pages with the inked, printed versions of them soon. For now, please enjoy the first part of the story which revolves around the redemption of a demon prostitute.

There is a message I tried to convey using Serafelle, the succubus' name, and that is that no matter how rotten and evil we are, no matter what we've done in life and who we've hurt, we can be forgiven. Demons, I believe, are beyond redemption, but I couldn't think of a worse creature to display God's overwhelming love for us. Salvation is for humans alone but Serafelle is an exception to this rule for this story only. I would caution younger veiwers from reading the pages here... it is intended only for mature adults. Thank you!

God's love be with you,

Rebecca Baerman
(Author and artist)

P.S. Sorry about the crappy ending. I was only supposed to have 10 pages and had to stretch it to 13, but the pacing suffered. It should probably have had at least one more page, so the "meter" is off.

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For the inked version of these pages, please visit Captain Relhok's page. Captain Relhok, AKA Chris Kohler, was the inker for the first 10 pages of Succubus and happened to have them up on his site. So after you read the story, take a gander at what he has to offer on his page. Browse and enjoy!

[back to Rebecca's homepage]

Legal Stuff:
All images, storylines, characters and anything which pertains to this story, Succubus, is copyrighted under law and is the sole property of Rebecca Baerman. It cannot be reprinted without her express written permision. If you do it anyway, Blatzburg will go midieval on yo' butt and you don't want that. Trust me.